If you have a large property with livestock you need to secure- our team is ready to help! We offer mesh farm fencing- also known as fixed knot deer fence- as well as split rail and more options.
Is it agricultural fence, horse fence, livestock fence or farm fence? All of the above! They are technically one in the same. Many don’t understand this but Agricultural fence/farm fencers across America are a breed of their own. Many of them are Ranchers who fence out of necessity and others just love to pound posts. Agricultural fence is one of the few fence categories that “most” fence companies don’t participate in. It is a specialty art that should be left for the professionals. It is only due to our unique experience with Solar fencing and our SVP’s passion for horses and ranches that we have developed a mastery in this art.
Using only the highest quality materials- our farm fence consultants will develop a proposal that best suits your needs, budget and aesthetic preference. . We will visit your site and scope out a perfect design for your review regardless how big or small the coverage needs to be. Have another material or design in mind for your ranch or farm? Give us a call today, we are experts in customizing fences to fit each customer’s individual needs.
Options can include Buckley’s light steel material, PVC, Wood, farm fencing mesh and more!

How much does Farm fence cost?
As you can see above it all depends on which type of Farm fence you choose. Typically agricultural fence is far more affordable then typical residential or commercial fences
How is it installed?
Farm fence is installed much of the same way as common fence. A trademark to Agriicultural fence is pounding posts. Nobody pounds posts like us and our fellow agricultural fence professionals. Additionally the key to a successful agricultural fence is pulling a tight fence line. Particularly barb wire and fixed knot woven wire.
What is it commonly used for?
Most typically farm fence is used for livestock. It is also commonly used for game fence and DOT (department of transportation) projects. Most recently Ag fence has been the premier security fence for the solar fence and renewable fence market. We at Complete fence are one of the Nations leader in this type of fence. (8’H woven wire)
What is the difference between woven wire and welded wire?
This is a great question, woven wire is far stronger and far more rigid then welded wire. Welded wire is little more simple to install but is hard to get tight. It is not nearly as strong.
Ag fence features
Figure 8 knot- misc knots